Day two of my stage was both short and mercifully light on the chopping. I was left to work without much intervention following, of course, the restaurant's recipes. Working only one shift, I prepared stuffed zucchini and a very large cheese lasagna.
The lasagna, which I ate at the end of my shift, was a solid, standard Italian American lasagna. Clearly a crowd favorite, given the number I've seen ordered during two days.
The stuffed zucchini was interesting. The vegetable was sliced in half with the pulp removed, creating boats. The pulp was mixed with mortadella, Parmesan cheese, balsamella (a/k/a beschamel) sauce and a trade secret ingredient or two, which then was filled in the zucchini hulls, topped with Parmesan, and baked. Delicious.
Day three I am scheduled to work open to close. Mama Mia!